Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Fighting With Faith- Fifth Entry

Billions of kilometres away, on the capital planet of Hangkoi of the SmorJorn system, the embattled and beleaguered forces of the Smorjorn Defence Corps., one of they many Imperial Guard regiments deployed by the Imperium in defence of the Smorjorn system, stood ready at their battlements. They were holding a last ditch desperate stand against the inexorable waves of the Tyranids.

“Stand strong! Faith is your shield!” Commissar Bukom bellowed across the battlements.

“AYE!” replied the soldiers in unison which numbered a meagre one thousand plus, standing at attention at their various positions. From raised platforms to trenches, bunkers to dugouts, the soldiers were determined to hold every last metre of their position until the end. It was obvious that if they were to lose this precious firebase to the Tyranids, the enemy would in turn secure this position and station their vile siege monstrosities and bombard the administratum city buildings relentlessly. Following, there would be the insane waves upon waves of Tyranids: Hormagaunts, Ripper Swarms, and even the berserk Hive Tyrant, all crashing mercilessly upon already dead and dying victims.

“Commisar, the first wave is sighted.” A young lad, no older then the age of eighteen, nervously reported to Bukom. In his heart, Bukom sighed. The boy was no older then his son, yet he was going to die, either by blades, shards or biochemical projectiles, which were all excruciatingly torturous in all ways.

It is better to die for the Emperor then to live for yourself.

Bukom snapped out of his reverie. Yes, it is good to be on this battlefield, be it a losing fight. For even given a chance to live to this day to be in the midst of the defence effort of an Imperial world, defiantly facing the enemy, not allowing it one more metre of His Emperor’s holy work, was something even life-long pilgrims would dream of.

“Brandish your weapons! Faith is your shield! The Emperor shall guide us all!”

The forward elements of the first wave, mainly the flying Raptors, suddenly out of nowhere, ducked among the battlements from above, in all its screeching ardour and ferociousness.

A soldier was impaled by a thin and sharp projectile in the torso, only to be lifted off his feet and thrown off the battlements.

Another was decapitated at his head, blood still splurging from the wound out as his lifeless body fell to the ground.

“Steady…steady…” Was all Commissar Bukom could offer as he set his firm and resolute eyes onto the oncoming wave.


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