Thursday, September 30, 2004

Fighting With Faith- Sixteenth Entry

“Jovial looking bunch are they?”

“Aye, indeed. Especially with that lad over there with his hair looking as though some warp storm was conjured upon it.”

Commissar Leetol and Tactican Abjax were concealed behind a glazed plasteel viewing window, studying and examining the latest batch of recruits disembarking from freighter As0051-C. They all appeared confident and composed, showing no sign of weariness. However, of all the fifty-one batches of recruits that arrived in twenties so far on Pholorine Recriut Camp’s arrival depot, none showed the hidden potential of an aspiring warrior or leader.

That all the more asserts my role in this. Alphaues thought equitably.

“Commissar, it is time for us to venture to the mass hall.”

“Lead the way.” Commissar Leetol replied calmly, turning his back onto the viewing window, shunning away the scene of the last few freighters going into their lockdowns onto the arrival depot’s docking bays, dispatching the remaining cargo of recruits.

“So damn many of them to train in so damn little time, Abjax…so damn little time…” sighed the Commissar.


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