Sunday, September 12, 2004

Fighting With Faith- Eighth Entry

The constant booming of Earthshaker cannons and heavy artillery fire resounded off the vaulted ceilings of the underground command centre on the capital planet of Hangkoi. However, all the cacophony of battle was lost to the ears of the various Commissars stationed within the bunker as they had more urgent listening to attend to. The atmosphere was tense and was escalating in intensity as the minutes passed. Reports of firebases, bunkers, outposts were made, all in favour of the enemy. Servitors, tech- adepts and yeomen, many working overtime, were making quick sprints from point to point within the centre, passing valuable information and data to their various authorities, the fact of inevitable defeat all spelt out on their faces. Even the news of the depleted reserves of reinforcements being cut off from has spreaded to them. Twenty metres above the bustling hubbub centre, in a buttressed level of the bunker, resided the overall Commander in charge of the Imperial’s valiant defence against the Xeonos spawn, Sector Commander Roidan Tanoit. Dressed in full battle uniform, his powerful stature was further amplified from the command pulpit he was standing on.

“Sector Command to all units: Fall back to Administratum city. Repeat: Fall back to Administratum city.” The firm, deep voice of Command Roidan Tanoit spoke into the vox-piece that was attached from his ear to the vox console in front of him. Static was all that responded to Roidan as he waited in silent agony for ten seconds. He stared intently onto the vox console, as if waiting for the console to talk back to him. Soon, the various surviving elements of the Imperium’s defence effort within the planet of Hangkoi of the Smorjorn system responded, voicing affirmatives of their hastily called retreat. Roidan sighed, was about to raise his arms to remove the vox-piece from his head but was halted.

“Sector Command, Smorjorn Defence Corps., Plant Haigon Division reporting in. Permission to make request.” Commissar Bukom announced.

“Permission granted, Commissar Bukom.” Roidan replied, an appraising look coming into his face. Given the sheer amount of enemy forces converging onto the Administratum city, surely the troops would want to fall back into the safe and sheltered area of the city and not waste time in question and doubt?

“The Smorjorn Defence Corps., Planet Hangkoi Division wishes to remain in our position until either the Emperor or the Xeno spawns take us away.” replied the admirable, steely voice of Commissar Bukom. Spoken like a true Smorjorian. To defend to the end. The old joke of there is a reason why there is the word end in the word defend spoken among the commanders and commissars now seem so far and distant, no more bringing any humour to Roidan’s impassive, creased face. Fourty-five years in service and he had not met such an enemy force so powerful which even the highly trained and equipped Smorjorn Defence Corps., with the aid of five other Imperial Guard regiments, all seem like eggs thrown among a rock in the current situation.

“Sector Command to Commissar Bukom, are you sure on your request?” Roidan did a desperate plea to his old friend, desperately wanting him to fight with him side by side for the last time. However, even Roidan knew it was a futile attempt. Even if he was in Bukom’s shoes, he would do the same.


I am about to send my friend and his regiment of men to their deaths…why don’t I just decline their request and make them fall back? No. It would do more harm then help. Bukom would hate me if I did so I would hate myself for doing so too. If we have lived in Smorjorn as Smorjornians, fought in Smorjorn as Smorjornians, why can’t we die in Smorjorn as Smorjornians?

“Sector Command to Commissar Bukom, permission granted. Emperor’s blessings be upon you and your men, Sector Command out.”
With that, after sending his friend, sometimes even feeling like a kin to each other, to his uncertain death, Roidon Tanoit slumped into his seat and waited for Smorjorn’s imminent defeat.


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